Big Bend Real Estate Guide April 2024 | Page 3

Increase Your Home ’ s Property Value with Fiber Internet
With speeds of up to 1 GIG available , access to our Fiber Internet will help your home stand out from the rest .
VOL . 20 , ISSUE 12 • APRIL 2024
Publisher : Riley Stephens 432-271-2112 Production Manager : Ceci Marquez General Manager : Sandy Marquez
PO Box 1824 , Alpine , TX 79831 Phone 432-614-4074 email : info @ BlueSkyProductions . net www . BlueSkyProductions . net
www . BigBendRealEstateGuide . com
Big Bend Real Estate is published by Blue Sky Productions © 2024 All rights reserved . Reproduction of photographs , artwork , or copy is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher . All real estate advertised is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act , which makes it illegal to advertise “ any preference , limitation or discrimination based on race , color , religion , sex , handicap , familial status , or national origin , or intention to make any such preference , limitation or discrimination .” We assume no responsibility and shall have no liability whatsoever for errors , including without limitation , typographical errors or omissions in Big Bend Real Estate . We reserve the right to edit or refuse any advertising submitted .

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