Big Bend Real Estate Guide March 2022 | Page 15

Salmon and Shrimp Coconut Curry
Recipe courtesy of MOWI on behalf of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council Servings : 2
2 pieces of MOWI Pure portions salmon 1 cup wild rice 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 clove garlic , sliced 1 / 4 cup red onion , diced
1 cup pumpkin or butternut squash , diced
1 tablespoon lemongrass , finely chopped 1 1 / 2 tablespoons red curry paste 1 / 2 cup coconut milk 1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 / 4 cup tomatoes 4 shrimp 1 lime , quartered
2-3 cilantro leaves , for garnish
Cut salmon into 1 / 2-inch cubes . Cook rice according to package instructions .
In large skillet , heat coconut oil over medium-high heat . Add garlic , onion and pumpkin or squash ; saute 5 minutes , or until onions are translucent . Mix in lemongrass and curry paste . Cook 2-3 minutes , or until fragrant .
Add coconut milk , fish sauce and tomatoes ; mix thoroughly . Add shrimp and salmon ; cook until done .
Serve with rice and lime quarters . Sprinkle with cilantro .
Salmon and Shrimp Coconut Curry
One-Pan Japanese Salmon with Sweet Potato
Servings : 2
Marinade : 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 / 4 cup tamarind sauce 1 / 2 tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 1 tablespoon honey
One-Pan Japanese Salmon with Sweet Potato
1 sweet potato , cut into rounds 2 tablespoons coconut oil , divided 1 tablespoon sesame seeds sea salt 8 spears broccolini 2 salmon fillets ( 4 ounces each ) brown rice , for serving
Preheat oven to 400 F . Line tray with baking paper .
To make marinade : In bowl , whisk sesame oil , tamarind sauce , Dijon mustard , sesame seeds and honey until combined .
Place sweet potato on baking tray and drizzle with 1 tablespoon coconut oil . Toss to coat . Sprinkle with sesame seeds and sea salt . Roast 25 minutes .
Remove tray from oven and add broccolini . Drizzle with remaining coconut oil and sea salt . Place salmon fillets in middle of tray and drizzle with marinade . Bake 12-15 minutes , or until cooked to desired doneness . Serve with brown rice .
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